AAAAAAAA holiday is almost over. Only a few days left :( :( Can't imagine that this holiday will be changed by ASSignments soon, very soon literally. If you're a 9gag-er you'll say "Holiday, Y U NO more longer?"
On this holiday, because my lil' sister felt so bored at home, my family and I went to other places outside Jakarta. This place called "Magisit Kareumbi" in Cicalengka (between Kabupaten Bandung, Kabupaten Sumedang, and Kabupaten Garut). For more clearly, from the brochure and web there's an explanation:
Pintu Masuk Blok KW. (Cigoler)
Ditempuh dengan route jalan Bandung – Cicalengka – Sindangwangi – Tanjungwangi – Blok KW. Jarak kota Bandung–Cicalengka ± 30 Km, menggunakan jalan raya propinsi atau dengan kereta api. Dari Cicalengka menuju Sindangwangi (± 13 Km) dengan jalan beraspal hotmix dalam kondisi baik (2009), dari Sindangwangi melintasi Kp. Leuwiliang menuju pintu masuk Blok KW (±2 Km) berupa jalan aspal kelas III dengan kondisi agak jelek dan sempit.Dari pintu masuk menuju blok KW ±1 km jalan berbatu makadam dengan kondisi agak jelek. Lokasi KW dapat dilalui dicapai oleh kendaraan roda empat, truk tentara dan bis mini (30 seat).
To reach our "Rumah Pohon", we have to through a little forest |
In fact, this place want to make the tourists fuse with the nature. In here, we can do such as, tracking, hiking, canoe, and see the deer-breeding. We will fee like live in the forest with a lot of trees, grasses, mushrooms, etc.
Mushrooms on the tree |
And if we want to sleep, there were places called "Rumah Pohon", with very very plain facilities. Never imagine that we will sleep like in the hotel. In this "Rumah Pohon", there weren't any electricity for charged our gadget, no TV, no AC, no springbed, no bathroom inside. They only provided floormats, sleepingbags, and petromaks lights and conventional bathroom outside the house. Literally feel lived in the nature :D
"Rumah Pohon" |
View from window of the house (like live at Edward Cullen's house in Twilight, right?) |
Sleep with sleeping bags |
The deer-breeding |
View during the trip to Kareumbi <3 |
But.... Because we went at the rainy season, we could doing nothing in there because rain, rain, and rain every time :( So, we only 1 day in there, and continued our trip to Bandung. Actually because I have studied in Bandung, I feel no excited to go there in this holiday. People know Bandung as a fashion and food city. Many factory outlets and distros in here which are visited by people, from Bandung or outside. And also many restaurants which have variatives menus. This time, beside distros and restaurants, we went to "De Ranch" at Jl. Maribaya No.17, Lembang-Bandung. De Ranch is a vacation place for family (especially children), who wants ride a horse with low price but beauty landscape. They make the visitor feel like a cowboy :D
Welcome drink (strawberry or melon fresh milk) |
Beauty scenery, grassland <3 |
Riding horse like a cowboy |
Beside riding horses, there are many facilities in here, such as stands of food, flying fox, panahan, ponny horse, trampolin, balon air, cook n cookies, cow-breeding, etc.
Flying fox |
Cow-breeding |
Ponny horse |
Cook n cookies |
Happy happy happy. Happiness was fulfill that day :D And after that we went to Karmel, also in Lembang. People usually know Karmel, or Lembah Karmel in Puncak, pilgrimage place for Christians. But in Lembang there's also Karmel Chapel, place for Christians people to pray, not recommend to pilgrimage.
One of sculpture in Jalan Salib |
People put the flowers under the Cross and Maria Cave |